What I see each moment I’ve never seen before
At Pierre-François Ouellette’s Centre Space gallery in Toronto I adapted two installations which have been seen in earlier incarnations in 2015: because something lightens in us at DNA Artspace, London, Ontario, in Patrick Mahon's A Gust of Wind in October, and Vie étendue (feelers) at the McClure Gallery, Montreal, January (January light, so light). A third installation, Vent, is particular to this place (its title a wave to Patrick's project last fall). During the two weeks of installation I was in good company, surrounded as Centre Space is by Feheley Fine Arts and its continually changing presence of art by northern artists, notably Shuvinai Ashoona, whose drawings, and collaborative drawings [...]
Everything held together (pour l’instant)
[nggallery id=42] 2013 Exhibition of new work and works in progress, including photos, drawings, photo-drawings, transitional works, transitory works, reflective installations and photo installations, many of which changed, were added, or were destroyed throughout the course of the exhibition. For more information and to watch a video made by José Garcia to accompany the exhibition, please visit the gallery website www.pfoac com review: http://www.thebelgoreport.com/2013/04/karilee-fuglem-a-pierre-francois-ouellette-art-contemporain
a continuous thread
[nggallery id=7] 2005 nylon monofilament, 126 x 60 x 60 in / 315 x 150 x 150 cm An arms-reach sized semi-circle of monofilament lines supports nearly ten kilometres of finer thread looped back and forth to form a human-scale space. connective tissue, Pierre-François Ouellette art contemporain, Montreal (2005)
there’s a place on my back that isn’t there
[nggallery id=25] 2005 nylon stretch cord, steel cables, plywood and steel mounting structure: 126 x 60 x 84 in / 315 x 150 x 210 cm Elastic cord is woven between steel cables, creating a space large enough for a person to enter and be supported, leaning into the webbed threads. The cables trace a “constellation” of skin on the artist's back. [See Out here in space, 2005.] connective tissue, Pierre-François Ouellette art contemporain, Montréal (2005) Search for Parallax (based on a constellation related to gallery site), Leo Kamen Gallery, Toronto (2008)