here within our curving spaces
Installation: nylon monofilament, elastic thread, fans (Cygnus, 9 hours: 144 x 196 x 72 in / 360 x 480 x 180 cm)
artist book: River Story. 4.5 x 7.25 in closed: 4.5 x 14.5 in open; interior pages hand-cut from laser print on acid-free paper; cover ultrachrome inkjet print on acid-free paper; bound with fluorocarbon braided fishline; 40 copies
In the entry room to the exhibition, elastic threads are stretched horizontally between walls to bounce in a watery shimmer, while marking the former path of the adjacent West Don River. In the adjacent room, a nine-hour orbital pattern of the constellation Cygnus forms a structure of lines into which a swan-like flock is built from fine monofilament. It is placed in relation to the constellation’s position during the summer exhibition.
A flipbook records hourly maps of the night sky faced with aerial photos showing the river’s gradually altered path. Entirely daylit, the artwork’s visiblity changes depending on the time of day and cloud cover, gradually disappearing at sundown.
here within our curving spaces, Koffler Gallery, Toronto (2008)