Transparent polyester and steel rods, 213 x 305 x 30 cm
In exhibition Millefeuilles, quand le dessin a lieu, curated by Lise Lamarche, at Salle Alfred-Pellan, Maison des Arts de Laval, Qc, 2019.
Photos (taken at two points in 2-minute lighting cycle): Guy L’Heureux; Details and video, the artist.
The drawing was based on studio experiments where this transparent material, mounted perpendicularly to the wall, surprised me with its enigmatic appearance. Depending on the distance and intensity of light sources, raking or direct, daylight or artificial lights, it was difficult to tell what the material was and even where it was situated. To mimic this range of perceptual shift, I worked with the gallery’s lighting technician to find a transition of light source from one side to the other, changing so slowly that it feels natural, as if one’s eyes are adjusting to the dim conditions. It is difficult to discern what is going on, what the material is, why this feeling of soul shift, when it seems nothing is there, and nothing seems to be happening.